Hi 👋 I'm...

Yoann TeruelFrontend developer

map-marker-outlineStockholm, Sweden

I like to create modern web applications with love and incorporate popular libraries and frameworks such as React & Next.js.

About Me

image of Yoann Teruel

My background

I’m Frontend Developer looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. During my early years of college I was passionate about creating mods for various PC games. And since I’ve continued to learn about more deeply on desktop and web development. At first, I’ve debuted as C# Developer for developing both desktop and web application for 3 years. One day during my Backend path, I’ve started to look at Frontend side and that was a Eureka ! Since this day I’ve continued to learn about the latest advances in the web-development environment and improve as a developer.

I have used React, TypeScript, Styled-Components and other tools to create user-interfaces that are responsive, performant, and accessible. From developing icons component library to full-stack applications with authentication and integration testing, I have a set of skills that allow me to plan, test, and create user interfaces.

I am currently open to job opportunities where I can contribute, learn, and grow as a software developer and as a person. If you believe that I am a developer that will mesh well with your team and goals, please feel free to contact me!

My skills

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Styled-Components
  • Node.js
  • C# / .NET
  • Git


My Portfolio

My portfolio permit my visitors to know me and through this vitrin I can demonstrate my frontend skills by using modern technologies. Content is managed with DatoCMS and it's connected with GraphQL.

Stacks: React, Next.js, GraphQL
Work in progress


A library that permit to use Material Symbols from Google on React app. This library can be tested through Storybook by changing controls. Every icons are accessible through one component and you can change style properties such as fill, weigh, and stroke.

Stacks: React, Storybook
Work in progress

OBS Web Remote

It's an web application that permit to control your OBS through WebSocket. You can change your scenes, launch or stop your stream and see the ressources taken by OBS

Stacks: React, Vite
Work in progress